What is your favorite film genre? Why?
And what is your least favorite film genre? Why?
When you're providing evidence to support your answer, be sure to employ appropriate film terminology as it relates to genre films (e.g., iconography, semantic components, conventions, syntactic features, plot patterns).
Film Genres
ReplyDeleteMy favorite film genre would have to be the melodrama. I am a person who really enjoys Academy Award worthy films and for the most part these films are usually dramas. The reason I see for this is because of the great acting and thoughtful plot lines employed in these films. The genre of drama always appears to be very original even though many semantic and syntactic elements are in place. Though they may follow some plot patterns, this particular genre is usually original in how it approaches these plot patterns. Dramas usually draw a connection between a character and the audience and really make them care for this character. These kind of conventions in which the audiences emotions are put in play really make the genre stand out among others. Not only this, but for the most part once the viewer finishes watching a drama, they are left thinking about what they just saw and many of the ideas and concepts that played a role in the films stay with the viewer for quite some time after viewing the film. Films are an art form and dramas demonstrate this better than any other genre.
My least favorite film genre is horror. The minute I notice that the conventions employed in a film resemble those of a horror, (dark setting, eerie music, etc.) I am immediately turned off. I cannot stand watching horror films because I find them rather ridiculous and unnecessary. For the most part they follow the same sort of plot patterns that end with blood baths and senseless violence with many unnecessary killings that simply serve to make the viewer cringe. In my opinion movie going is supposed to be an enjoyable experience and I find it very hard to understand how a person can enjoy watching a horror film.
If I had to choose a specific genre as my most favorite, I would have to choose fantasy as my favorite genre. With the spontaneous characters and personalities that arise in the equally unexpected narrative, it allows me to build my own imagination. It also, when the time arrives, allows me to lose myself into the alternate world of the unreal and fictional. The things that people believe impossible are the things that catch my interest the most.
ReplyDeleteAs for my least favorite genre, it would have to be horror films. I don't mean all horror films are bad and it is not the narrative or the characters that makes me dislike them, it is when the film includes blood and gore. I have a weak stomach when it comes to films that show bloody and gorey actions in them and it is the reason I hate watching them.
My favorite genre would have to be the horror film. This is for many reasons. First I would have to discuss the film noir inspired sets and lighting. The dark lighting and low level adds to the realism of the movie, which in turns spooks the viewer more, while also giving the film a nice stylized effect. Also with talking with style is the importance of set in the horror genre, which is usually highly deatailed or lokks much more unatrural, providing the much darker tones needed. Also when looking at plot patterns, the norm is usually avoided for the gruesome and disturbing, which is provides for the viewers almost demented want of wanting to see how far the cahracters will go in horror movies. If this is not the case then elements of suspense usually prevail, which in turn leaves the viewer begging for more at each turn to know the truth of the story. Whether graphically or mentally the horror film has a way of cathching the viewers attention.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite genre is most definitely film/neo noir. I love the stark lighting. I think it adds an artistic element that you just don't find in other genres. I also enjoy the 'rules' of the genre. For example, in the neo noir film Payback, Mel Gibson's character follows the rules set forth in the '40s film noir movies right down to the small amount of money he is after. He fits the hard-boiled character perfectly. I also love the way it turns social norms on its head by having weak men, strong women, and a problem with authority. I like the action, the adventure, the mystery; all of it. Other films that are my favorite include Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, and Memento. For some reason, I don't typically like voice-over narration unless it is in a film/neo noir movie as well.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre would definitely have to be the movie musical. I tried to watch Sweeney Todd and couldn't get past the first few minutes. I even like Tim Burton movies! I think for the most part musicals are too campy. Nobody breaks out in song in real life, and since there is no longer a production code, sex and sexuality don't have to be masked through dance. I do like the animated musicals, but I don't think those really count as the genre I am describing. Musicals should be performed on stage, not on film.
I thought I'd chime in on this one...
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite genres--and this should come as no surprise to my students--is the film musical. Irresistible joy, blatant escapism, and the feeling of utopia: this is what films like SINGIN' IN THE RAIN, TOP HAT, ON THE TOWN, SUMMER STOCK, and AN AMERICAN IN PARIS purport to dish out; and, boy, do they. For instance, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) emits nothing but glee and vitality when he uninhibitedly splashes around in the rain. The same is true for the three sailors in ON THE TOWN as they embark on their day off in good ol' New York, NY. Moreover, I find it fascinating how much the romantic dances of Astaire/Rogers, Kelly/Charisse, Kelly/Caron and Astaire/Charisse invariably taunt the Production Code, exuding a sexuality that is sometimes far more erotic than what some contemporary films portray.
My least favorite genre is horror (with science-fiction running a close second). Watching characters--most of whom are females--get chased, maimed, (literally or metaphorically) raped, and/or killed by a male character/monster/deviant is just not the way I enjoy spending my time. Granted, a psychological thriller like SILENCE OF THE LAMBS is more tolerable because it portrays both women and men in a complex light; but unfortunately, horror films of this (Oscar-worthy) caliber are generally few and far between in Hollywood.
My favorite genre is the film noir. Although it can be argued that it isn’t a genre, the book says it is so I’m going with it. One of the main reasons that I enjoy the genre is the use of shadows. In some film noir, the shadow is part of the mise-en-scene. In The Third Man, the shadow is used to block the identity of the title character and the revealing of the third man from the shadows was a great introduction to the unknown man. The plot patterns are enjoyable as well. Most film noir use the flashback. The film begins with the protagonist voice over. “It all started when she walked into my life” is the general starting point that film noir follows. The voice over narration always creates a dark mood for the whole movie. The semantic elements that I enjoy in the film noir are the dark lighting and the criminals involved.
ReplyDeleteThe genre I enjoy the least is the chick flick. The syntax of the chick flick, and the reason that I generally do not like to watch them, is they all follow the plot pattern. In my experience with chick flicks, they have the girl meet the guy and she embarrasses herself and he helps her and that is when she is in love. Then something happens, and this is where the writers can be creative, and they break up and then one of them does something, either he does something romantic or she apologizes for doing something stupid. Then they end up happy and together. There is really no diverting away from this formula. The guy in the movie always makes the regular guy look bad, which makes going to the movie with a girl torture.
I personally don't have a favorite or least favorite genre. I am one of the most accepting film critics to my knowledge. My DVD library is extremely diverse and my original idea for writing this blog was to try and represent the varied films and why I like each genre. For the sake of time I'll choose what I feel should be a new genre because of the rising number of films with this particular topic made each year with the same conventions and similiar iconography, zombie films! I am very fond of zombie movies because of the great syntactic features that if went undecoded tell us how to survive if the living dead were to ever attack. But the syntactic features such as tactics used in survival, defense, and offense really reflect the society and control they were created in and teach us how to live our lives. Jamie Russell writes in The Book of the Dead: The Complete History of Zombie Cinema that DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978), set in a shopping mall, “offers us a glimpse of a universe in which all spiritual values have been replaced by our awareness of the material realities of the corporeal and consumerism.” The zombie film as a reflection on society and the appeal of guts and gore to nearly every guy is why i believ this might be my favorite genre.
ReplyDeleteAs for my least favorite genre I would have to say animation. I like many animation films and the classics molded me into who I am now by influencing me throughout my childhood. I do not dislike animation nor anything about it other than in some cases the movies are definately aimed at a much younger age group. I feel animation can also be a great sign of the current society as well but I am more interested in films that one must put more thought into to find a meaning or a movie without a real meaning just to relieve stress.
My favorite genre is the horror. With its repetitive plot patterns and often ridiculous dialogue, the horror proves to be the funniest thing that cinema has to offer. Watching a horror film with a group of friends is the warmest of occasions sure to bring laughter and bonding. The useless amounts of gore and the gratuitous nudity are a sure fire good time! To further prove my point here is a clip of a horror film titled BLOOD FOR DRACULA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb6TR791664&NR=1
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre is the comedy. Every time I sit down to a comedy I find myself bored and often, well, depressed. Watching the characters try to make me laugh is a pain. The syntactic features are too "manufactured" for me to enjoy. I suppose my idea of a good laugh must be unintentional. The comedy just cannot do it for me.
My favorite is a strange combo of horror, comedy..with action being involved as well. it saddens me to see so many negative horror comments, it is one of the most important elements to have within film, as it is the contrast we so desperately crave. Also a good horror film will not be some retarted 90 min tit and gore fest with no message..although FEAST is dam close ..also movies like night of the living dead did something that society could not..let a black man win only to be killed by the cops. Also, Dr. Marshall, many of the most taboo subjects have been able to be used within "real" genres due to sci-fi and horror.(1st interracial kiss on star trek, somehow people thought that was fine due to them being in space and all, and kind of aliens....also note the rise of horror movies as modern society gets further and further away from our hunter gather roots, without the blood and violence that humans have dealt with for thousands of years in everyday tasks as simple as killing food for dinner, where does all that basic bloodlust go? well into good outlets i hope, horror films and video games and healthy fighting..god bless fight club.
ReplyDeleteLeast favorite, chick flicks or shitty remakes.. or wanna be current exploit films..soulplane,carwash,epic movie..ect.. i like a good love story dont get me wrong..THE FOUNTIAN...amazing camera work and scenery, but i go to the movies to see a story or learn something...not to watch people falling in love that i could be looking for while watching the films.
I would have to say that my favorite genre, as of recently, is Film Noir. I had seen a few Neo-Noirs like CHINATOWN and SIN CITY but after seeing DOUBLE INDEMNITY, I have been sort of binging on the genre. I love everything from the fast talking criminal and the femme fatale to the fashions to the cars. It is all just so well put together and so incredibly engaging. The fact that everything is so bleak and dark adds so much suspense to it. Take the entire train scene from DOUBLE INDEMNITY, from the moment when Fred MacMurray enters the train, the viewer is glued to the edge of their seat, constantly wondering if he is going to get caught or slip up or if someone will notice him.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing I love about Film Noir is how nonchalant the approaches of characters like Walter Neff in DOUBLE INDEMNITY, J.J. Gittes in CHINATOWN, and Rick Blane in CASABLANCA are towards "dames." The dialog in DOUBLE INDEMNITY where Walter is talking to Phylis is pure gold. It is so quick and well written, witty and cleaver.
My least favorite genre is the action genre. I don't mind like Sci-Fi action but what am referring to in particular is the high budget blockbuster like TRANSFORMERS. With very few exceptions, I just can't get into it. I would much rather prefer a film like Michael Haneke's FUNNY GAMES or Tomas Alfredson's LET THE RIGHT ONE IN as opposed to something like THE DARK KNIGHT or 2012. I find that all of these "summer blockbusters" seem to be incredibly mindless with, arguably, not a lot of depth to them. I just can't seem to really engage myself in it, let alone convince myself to pay $9.50 to see it in theaters.
If I had to choose my favorite genre of film it would have to be trash cinema. Everytime I see the terrible film quality, atrocious acting, ridiculous plots, and the most vile disgusting things I have ever seen in my life I just get a big smile on my face. Trash cinema knows its bad and it doesn't try to be anything but that. Unlike these big hollywood borefests that have the same stories over and over again trash cinema always has a certain level of schock no matter how prepared I am to watch it. If I ever need a good laugh I just pop in a John Waters film (PINK FLAMINGOS and DESPERATE LIVING are my favorite) and I instantly feel better. Its something about the honesty of these pictures that keeps me coming back for more.
ReplyDeleteMovies that I enjoy are from all types of genres but the one that I care least about is the romance. Love is far too complex subject to handle in an hour and a half and the two people usually hate each other until about 2/3 of the way through. They bore me with there constant bombardmant of "romantic" love and vomit-inducing dialouge. "I love you like a warms summers breeze." Give me a break nobody talks like that. Romantic films try to glamorize a feeling that is different in all people. Characterizing only one way of feeling love isn't good for the human psyche and leaves us feeling depressed when our relationships dont work out the way we see in the cinema.
My favorite genre has to be the horror film. The main aspects that I enjoy in horror films come from the semantic components. As far as semantic components go, I love the colors of the horror genre. Dark colors, normally very rich, give me a sense that I am in the movie (similar to the German Expressionism era). Watching, say, a comedy in a dark room wouldn't have the same effect as a horror film. Also, when you are "in" the movie, you can suffer along side of the characters which offers one an exciting ride. Another few semantic elements I love in horror films are the violence and gore. Blood and guts are something that noone would want to see in real life, but horror films makes a necessity. There are still films out today that are continuing to supprise, and sicken me with their realistic gore. I love horror!
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre would have to be the Western film. The semantic elements in westerns make me want to wither away and die. The movies normally have dry deserts, dirty men, and whores, none of which I am at all fond of. Also, the plot in westerns is always the same. The bad guys steal something, the good guys intervene, and there is a shoot out... da da da da da. There really isnt much to a western film. Another contributing factor that makes me dislike westerns is that they are mostly older films with crappy sound quality, and boring scenes. I don't want to watch the same movies my grandpa did when he was my age.
One of my favorite genres is action/adventure, which can contain many other genres from comedies to thrillers. I guess I prefer films with aspects that cross through many genres. Stephen Sommers’ THE MUMMY (1999) is a perfect example of this mixture. It has action, adventure, comedy, romance and a bit of horror. The classic convention of an action movie is a brave masculine hero (Brendan Fraser) who has to save the damsel in distress (Rachel Weis) from the evil villain. The obvious romance semantic component is that boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl. The horror genre is not an exception either, because the villain, who kidnaps the heroine, is a living mummy, fitting the monster category. Other movies with a combination of conventions are Tom Dey’s SHANGHAI NOON (2000), and Jonathan Lynn’s CLUE (1985). It seems that a film limited to one genre’s conventions is too basic for me.
ReplyDeleteEven though the western genre is in SHANGHAI NOON, I would have to say it is my least favorite by itself. Its dusty brown coloring and hues and desert location are dull and boring. The dialogue is classically slow and when the action comes around, there are only a few people in the stand off. The duel’s convention consists of each man eyeing each other ready to pull their gun. They stand there with moments of silence where nothing is happening and it gets uninteresting. This specific semantic component is a classic and always finds it’s way into a western film, but it has become too repetitive for my taste.
My favorite genre is horror. The reason that I like horror genre so much is the lowly lit sets, shots and the plot within the film. Horror has come a long way and its one of the best genres in the industry. People like to go to see horror films because they want to be scared in my opinion and they will always have big audiences. Its kind of like going on a roller coaster ride, you just want that adrenal rush.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre is musicals. I think that musicals should just stay on the stage. Not that I don't like musicals, Mama Mia is a great musical on stage. I think it should have just stayed there, I mean it did pull in big in the box office. I don't like musicals in the film industry because its more of a personal experience. I'd rather be sitting in front of a live performance they just going to a movie theater and watching it on screen.
My favorite genre is Comedy. Not as much the raunchy, hit-him-in-the-testicles comedy, but more the subtle, sarcastic, often dark comedy. Perfect examples of this would be PULP FICTION, THE BIG LEBOWSKI, and D. I just love rapid fire dialogue full of quips and wisecracks, so lighter hearted screwball comedies like HIS GIRL FRIDAY steal my heart as well. Comedy is , in a sense, a little more free than the other genres. At its core, comedy is subversive, it portrays events that are NOT supposed to happen, and that is what makes it funny. This convention ironically allows Comedy to break from its own conventions (often blatantly) for comic effect. While historically, the comedy conventionally ends on a high note, there have been many examples recently of comedies that end very bleakly (FARGO for example).
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre is usually Action. Most action contain a threadbare plot, god awful dialogue, and camera work that looks like they put a camera on a coked-up seal and then let it loose. They usually leave me unfulfilled and wanting more.
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ReplyDeletePersonally, My favorite film genre is Film noir/neo film noir. I first experienced this type of film by watching pulp fiction, and I think scenes from this film make excellent examples of the genre. Pulp Fiction contains fast witty language and deals with middle class men/women in an almost lawless environment. It's semantics, the lighting and settings of these movies add to the deeper meaning. I think that film noir takes a normal crime story to a much deeper level. The femme fatales and the every day middle class men trying to please them is so exciting, because it looks at the male-female relationship in a new way. The man working outside the law to please the woman. Even though the genre is strictly loyal to it's generic build I think that it is a great way to tell a crime story, or, a controversial love story.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre is the melodrama. I honestly do not know that much about it, and maybe that is why I do not have as great a respect for this genre as the rest, but it seems to have few surprises for me. I like witty language and dark plots, and the melodrama is very much a genre that depicts true love.
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ReplyDeleteIt’s my FAVORITE!?
ReplyDeleteWhenever I’m asked to pick my favorite and least favorite, I’m always caused reflect. Though I do fancy myself an admirer of different type’s cinema, I have found that it is the simplicity yet complexity of Comedy always draws me back. From the slick banter of Dean Martin films to the simple view of a man being hit in the groin; comedy delivers every time.
As a consumer in a down economy, I need to know what I am getting for my entertainment dollar, at least with a comedy I know someone on the screen is trying to make me laugh. Arguably some movies may make me laugh more then others, in which case I get more of money’s worth. Comedy is an area in movies that strives to be inventive, what was funny yesterday may be today; “played out” or over done. Comedy also knows no boundaries; one can deny the basic laws of logic and science just to make the joke work.
On the flip side of Comedy there is a genre that I distain the most, this soul killing predictable piece of tripe, with its not to subtle nuances designed ensnare the fairer sex, and give them unreal expectations and yes, again predictable outcomes. There are many names for this genre; “Chick flick”, “Tear Jerker”, and “Date Movie” I refer it as the day cinema truly died! Also known as the romantic comedy.
I may be a little dramatic but my hatred for this cinematic travesty runs deep, from the all the wasted hours and dollars spent listening to phrases like “… he just not that into you…” or “…you had me at hello…” have soured my existence and made me the exact the opposite of its intentions.
My favorite film genre has to be the thriller. It is always face-paced and there is normally frequent action. I love the fact that thriller movies tend overlap with mystery stories. The thriller movies normally have the hero preventing crimes that do with serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or prevent the governments to be overthrown. All of this is great. Many thrillers involve spies and espionage. Sometimes, the thriller genre does tend to gross genre's that traditionally have had few or no thriller moments. Sub-genre's to thrillers to me, don't get any better. You have action thriller, conspiracy thriller, crime thriller, drama thriller, and the horror thriller. Although I'm not the biggest fan of the horror genre, the horror thriller is different. Case in point, one of my favorite movies is 28 DAYS LATER, by Danny Boyle. I love everything about that movie, especially having the movie being shot almost in entire digital video.
ReplyDeleteIf there is one genre I can't stand, it would be torture porn. Well, actually it's a sub-genre but still, no good comes from it. Not quite sure why this genre makes so much money. These film typically follow by these standards: nudity, torture, and mutilation. These type of movies have no plot outline and often very bad dialogue. These movies lack a metaphor.
I would have to say my favorite film genre would be "dramedy", if that counts as a legit genre. I don't enjoy films that try too hard to be one kind of specific genre or type of movie, such as a movie that is only trying to be funny, or a movie that is only trying to be an intense drama. Movies that use elements of several genres interest me, and that's why I say "dramedy" is my favorite genre. To me, many things that are considered "dramatic" are humorous, and a lot of things that are funny can also be sad. Plus, many "dramedies" include black humor, which I typically prefer. One film that is an unlikely example of this would be the John Waters film DESPERATE LIVING. Though it's obviously trying to be a humorous film, the humor comes from events and situations that, when thought about, are actually pretty terrible.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite film genre would be "romantic comedy". "Romantic comedies" are generally extremely cliche, and they all use the same elements; they all have similar characters, and the same sappy plot situations. Movies like WEDDING CRASHERS, or basically any Julia Roberts movie, bore me, and are generally not funny.
My most favorite film genre of all time would have to be action genres that are base on war events. The reason why I like these kinds of movies is because I like to see the special effects. From explosion, gunfire, and people getting killed, I think that these kind of movies are very excellent to see. One of my most favorite movies that are similar to this genre would have to be Saving Private Ryan. I think that movie just show many special effects and it is base in World War II. There are two scene in Saving Private Ryan that show many special effects are the beginning scene when the U.S. invade Normandy and the battle at the end when they defined the town from the Nazis. That is my most favorite genre of all time.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite film genre that doesn’t interest me at all would have to be the horror genre that have massive murders. The reason why is just because to me those kind of horror movies have three things in common and that’s blood and gore, dead bodies and screaming people and that doesn’t interest me at all. A few movies that fit this description that I can think of are the Jason movies, the Halloween movies and the Saw movies. That why that kind of horror genre is my least favorite.
One of my favorite genres would be the musical. I have always been a fan of seeing people dance to rhythm or sounds. What makes it more appealing is the narrative format that goes with the dancing and music. The musicals are about almost anything from high school crushes to family vacationing. One scene has a conversation and the minute you blink your eyes the scene changes. Now you have diegetic music and the actors dancing to sequence and tempo. Throughout the film you get the best of both worlds. The dancing gets better or creative, the music, and action never puts you to sleep. It just flows altogether and you become hypnotize by the kicks, the arm movements, and spinning around of the actor’s body’s while watching the musical. Most of the genre are above average and I find it hard for me to choose the one I least like.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite genre of film would have to be comedy. I like most of the subgenres of comedies(buddy comedy, spoof movies, etc.), but what I like the most is a comedy-drama. I especially appreciate adult comedies, like those from Judd Apatow as of late. I think that 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and KNOCKED UP have the proper balance between the comedy and the drama aspects. I find comfort in watching a funny movie. I like to be able to laugh. I like to laugh so hard that I my eyes begin to water; it makes me feel good inside. There are certain conventions in these movies that I can't get enough of. The sidekick characters in these movies are my favorites; such as Cal and David in 40-YEAR-OLD VIRGIN and Jay and Silent Bob in most of Kevin Smith's films. They're always there for a good laugh. For example in CLERKS II, Dante is talking seriously to his fiancee about moving to Florida and when they walk outside so she can show him a surprise, the first thing we see is Jay standing with a mangina in an homage to Buffalo Bill from SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre would be the musical. I don't hate every musical, just most of them. I count SWEENEY TODD and ONCE as two of my favorite movies. The part I dislike about the musical is the dancing. I can understand it is how the characters express themselves, but I just don't like it. I find most of the musicals that come out today to be not very good.
My favorite genre out of many would be like an adventure fantasy type film. A film where my imagination can run wild. My favorite type is where it is a movie set in a world not similar to ours, but totally different and original. I like films that have originality and creativity put into them. There can only be so many films dealing with our normal lives, but there are endless possibilities when a movie deals with something fictional and just made up. My least favorite film would be a horror type film. First of all I do not enjoy being scared and frightened watching a movie. I can handle some tension but I don't enjoy being grossed out to the point where I have to look away. Also, horror films are very repetitive and I believe all the same. It is always about some person killing people or something of that sort. They are all the same I believe, making it my least favorite genre.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite genre would have to be comedy. I prefer the adult themed, more contemporary offerings such as STEP BROTHERS or GRANDMAS BOY because i like the vulgar, direct humor that embodies these films. I like the typical conventions that occur in todays comedies such as the pothead slacker and the sex crazed scumbags. Older comedies are ok too, funny in their own right, just outdated, an example being SINGIN IN THE RAIN.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre would be the musical. While I realize the importance and value of the older ones, for they included very talented performers such as Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly. Today we are subjected to performers such as Beyonce in DREAMGIRLS or Richard Gere and his absence of ability in CHICAGO, yet these movies are routinely praised. Hip Hop "musicals" such as YOU GOT SERVED and the like are no more than simple minded dribble and a waste of time in my opinion, their relevance is minimal and if anything, detrimental to anything good in film.
My favorite genre in film is drama & least favorite is horror. I like drama films because i feel it really showcases an actor's/actress talents. They usually have a good or great story and these type of movies i feel more people can relate to because of their realistic story and plot lines (plus i feel typage is used in most dramas in some form of way creating that humanity bond). Personally i like all genres of movies because i watch all kinds and seem to find a piece of myself in every category in some kind of way (whether it be realistic or imaginative), but dramas give the best performance to me. Horror movies are cool but have little structure in my opinion(a lot of people die, mainly women, stories are basic or just plain idiotic, most focus is on special effects or how gory can we make the death scenes etc.), but i do watch some because some are good (mainly older ones like ALIENS, PREDATOR, CANDYMAN - newer ones like UNDERWORLD 1,2 and 3, SAW 1,FROM HELL).
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie genre would have to be the action cop film. The antagonist and the protagonist are very clearly defined. The antagonist(s) is a type of law enforcer that usually faces a more threatening than usual law breaker. The antagonist is a criminal that is either insane or trying to gain/steal money in some kind of over-the-top fashion. I like action cop films because they are almost always entertaining for me to watch. The law enforcer is easy to root for because he/she stands for freedom, justice and the American way. These films usually climax with a a one-on-one confrontation between the law enforcer and the "boss" criminal. Examples of the cop action film are: LETHAL WEAPON, ROBOCOP, DIE HARD and any of the sequels of the previously mentioned films.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite movie genre would be the romantic comedy. I am not interesting in persons romantic lives, especially not fictional people. I also find the quirky, cute humor to be annoying to the point of almost getting angry from just hearing it. A major syntactic message that comes from these movies is "love matters most" or "love can overcome anything". I disagree with both of these messages or anything similar to them. Examples of these films are YOU'VE GOT MAIL or HITCH.
It was a rather hard descicion
ReplyDeleteI must admit that one of my favorite movie genres would have to be fantasy. I just love movies like ENCHANTED, CINDERELLA, THE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, and movies like that, which obviously I'm a big fan of Walt Disney. I know that sometimes I use it as a scapegoat, but I just love how those movies have a happy ending. I also like how they show things that aren't true, but they make it seem so real. ENCHANTED is a perfect example on how they connect the real world with a "fake" world and they become one.
My least favorite kind of genre would have to be the horror film. I'm just not a big fan of the darkness that comes with those films. They usually take place in dark places and I like everything bright. Also I am not a big fan of killing and blood or kidnapping. Also I don't like the fact that there's a lot of suspense in those kind of movies and I like to know what's going to happen at a movie, not be waiting to know what's going to happen.
I would have to say that my favorite genre for film is the science fiction/fantasy. The reason I say that is that in this particular genre, you can almost have free reign with the story plots, iconography, conventions and in some cases syntax. Now this does not mean that any screen writer, director, or producer can slap together a sci fi epic and expect it to draw in a large audience. The film itself have to be carefully crafted, but at the same time have a simple plot for everyone to follow. One good example would be the original Star Wars trilogy (episode 4-6) The entire series follows several different plots, thus establishing different conventions. The main plot is of course the struggle between a tyrannic empire and a small group of rebels, but you also have Luke learning the ways of the mystic deity known as the force which we would later learn that there another balance between good and evil.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite kind of Genre would have to go to horror films. Aside from the excessive gore and violence, most modern horror films like Friday the 13th and Halloween seemed to over-recycle on occurring themes. The recent remake of Halloween by Rob Zombie, just has someone being murdered, then a couple getting on, then someone getting murdered, then a couple getting it on, and so on and so on...How vivifying.
My favorite genre will have to be animation, because Disney's LION KING was my all time favorite movie ever. I've watched that movie so many times, I know the lines for all the characters (lol). The animation in that movie was so awesome and the work put into this film was amazing.
ReplyDeleteMy least favorite genre would have to be horror, because I just don't go see them really as much. I've watched some with my friends, but I'm not much of a horror fan. I'm more into comedy, action, and inspired by true life stories.
My personal favorite type of movie would have to be film noir. Im a set and lighting major and the contrast of light and dark in film noir movies gives them more character and mystery in my opinion. I also like the more empowered woman. One of the things I hate most about movies is the screaming or crying helpless woman. To me it seems somewhat unrealistic is most cases not to mention quite annoying.
ReplyDeletemy least favorite type of movie would have to be the Romantic comedy but leaning more towards the chick flick. These movie are exctly what they say they are, movies aimed toward a female audience. These movies usually are on topics that women are much more easily related to than men. They often are even visually unappealing even in the colors schemes used in the movies, way too much pink.