This blog was written for students
who meet on T/Th, 6-8:50 PM.
Because of technical problems,
they did not screen The Purple Rose of Cairo.
However, if students from the 2-4:50 class
want to post here as well, that is fine.
But again, their required blog for the week is
Movies: How Much Do They Cost?
who meet on T/Th, 6-8:50 PM.
Because of technical problems,
they did not screen The Purple Rose of Cairo.
However, if students from the 2-4:50 class
want to post here as well, that is fine.
But again, their required blog for the week is
Movies: How Much Do They Cost?
This week, we looked several ways that turn-of-the-century films reflected the period's fascination with travel and transportation, public events (e.g., world's fairs), and popular amusements (e.g., vaudeville, boxing matches) (World Cinema 18).
With this in mind, explore what current films--those released in the last four years perhaps--reflect about our country's apparent interests. Use at least FIVE EXAMPLES to support your answer, and as always, film titles should be underlined, italicized, or placed in all caps (e.g., THE DARK KNIGHT).
HINT: You might start with Box Office Mojo, clicking on the links for 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005 to see the top 10 grossing films of the last four years.
With this in mind, explore what current films--those released in the last four years perhaps--reflect about our country's apparent interests. Use at least FIVE EXAMPLES to support your answer, and as always, film titles should be underlined, italicized, or placed in all caps (e.g., THE DARK KNIGHT).
HINT: You might start with Box Office Mojo, clicking on the links for 2008, 2007, 2006, and 2005 to see the top 10 grossing films of the last four years.
In 2008 movies about superheroes were what the country was watching. THE DARK KNIGHT was about the city needing a hero with a face. This movie came out around the time of the presidential race between John McCain and Barrack Obama, and America believed that Obama could be that hero with a face that will come and save the country. Another superhero movie was IRON MAN that pitted the superhero against an evil man who was obsessed with weapons and using them to attack innocent countries and their civilians. A lot of people do not like Bush and to see a man who could be seen as Bush stopped, that might have interested audiences. Also in 2008, more than in previous years, four animated movies were in the top ten. Three of the four HORTON HEARS A WHO, WALL-E and KUNG FU PANDA, were about a single insignificant individual making a huge difference. Audiences believe in the little guy, the person who stands up to society and the people who are in charge and refuse to quit for what they believe. In 2006 and 2007, the majority of the movies that were popular were either fantasy or set in the past/future. Movie-goers wanted an escape from reality, something that would make them forget about their problems for two hours. Only one movie in the top ten of each of the last four years is based on a true story (but that may be because Will Smith was in it). Sequels were popular in the last four years. People are interested in what has happened to their favorite characters and watch them evolve and grow. The audiences want familiarity and are comfortable watching someone who they know and enjoy.
ReplyDeleteIt's kinda hard to say what direction audiences are going w/ movies now a days. By saying this i mean it's difficult, at least for me, to say what really interest people. As i looked on the box office mojo site, I went back 5 yrs. and noticed that 4 out of the 5 yrs. the # 1 movie was action/fantasy flicks. That's cool, but what does this mean to me?, well i would have to say the majority of the audience were probably young or die hard fanatics (REVENGE OF THE SITH-2005, SPIDER-MAN 3-2007). All the movies in the last 5 yrs. were also about heros and villians (except BRIDE WARS-2009 as far as i know, but i haven't seen the film either)and maybe this is the audience way of getting away from the reality of what we as americans have been going thru (war,economy struggles etc.). We maybe secretly feel we're losing as a nation, so we go to see a film were the villian always lose. I could be going too far, but that's one of my takes on it. Another could be just because we wanna see someones last acting role (DARK KNIGHT-2008). Please do not get me wrong, this movie was great and definitely put the batman series on a new (and better) path, but if the unfortunate never happened to the rising star who played the joker, would the movie still be #1? I believe yes, but I feel some may differ. With the new year (2009) I think people are looking for a happy ending in a more realistic way (BRIDE WARS-2009). A lot of people want marriage and this movie will bring in the ones that's already married, about to wed, or the ones just to see someone find love or true love in a film because their luck might not be that great. Is the audience looking for a good laugh, to be entertained, good acting and story or waiting for another unfortunate, based on a true story, war driven hero/villian film? I feel the decision depends on what good/bad times the viewer may be going thru in his/her life.
ReplyDeleteToday America is in the midst of two wars, a free falling economy and the continual threat of terrorist action. lt is in these times we seek solice in the little things in life that some how destract, or even paint a new mental image of the world, opposed to the dismall view that we recieve everyday from the 6 o'clock news.
I think that this is particularly true in the world of movies. Super-hero movies like SPIDER-MAN 2, THE DARK KNIGHT, and SUPERMAN feature humans that vanquish their enemies with extraordinary powers. I also observe that this genere is not limited to just superhumans but to regular people that take on unnatural forces such as in THE WAR OF THE WORLDS and THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. It is almost llke we are trying to redefine the term super hero.
Due to down times in our country, with foreclosures going up, and unemployment figures reaches all time highs, I think that people want to see the good guys win. That evil or hardship isn't permanent but that it can be overcome. Are movies therapy? No, but they add a lot needed entertainment in hard times.
It is obvious that Americans have long been attached to the big-budget, hollywood blockbuster. Movies like SPIDER-MAN and THE DARK KNIGHT have captured the attention of todays movie-goers. One reason behind this is that they all fall under a similar category and circumstance: a fictional hero that always comes out on top. The reason for this interest may be that people want to escape from the day-to-day struggles and problems of their lives. Another reflection of America that is apparent in many current films (fantasy/action especially) is the "do it big" mentality. Big special effects, big stars, big action. Americans are often viewed as living quite in excess, and many of these blockbuster films are reflections of this. IRON MAN features a lavish lifestyle (that of the main character) with mansions, cars and power. Big big special effects and the often wreckless and audacious deeds of Iron Man...he even publicly admits his identity! This is unique since many of our traditional heroes stay masked from the public.
ReplyDeleteAnother perspective that can be taken on the current action genre is one of realism or even pessimism coming into play. In SPIDER-MAN 3, the main character is forced to make a choice living between 'good' and 'evil' and even becomes 'evil' for a portion of the film. In THE INCREDIBLE HULK, the main character lives a constant struggle and is never ultimately free from his predicament of living a life split with his alter-ego. In THE DARK KNIGHT, the hero essentially becomes an anti-hero who is shunned for his dedication and actions. Popular culture may simply be leaning slightly towards a pessimistic view of the world, with so many problems at hand in the world it just may be trickling through to the very films that many often look to for a pleasant, happy ending.